دوره آموزشی کان آکادمی ۲۰۲۱

Chapter 8 - Ethereum 2.0 or The Merge ۱. 01 - Ethereum 2.0 or The Merge: A Brief History ۲. 02 - Key Terms ۳. 03 - Future Considerations Final Project این نوشته به شما کمک می کند پروژه نهایی خود را با کیفیت بهتری ارائه دهید. لطفاً کلیه دستورالعمل ها و الزامات مربوط به پروژه را که در این سند نوشته شده است، دنبال کنید. Chapter 3 - Smart Contracts ۱. 01 - Where do Smart Contracts Fit in our Mental Model? ۲. 02 - Smart Contracts and EVM ۳. 03 - Introduction to Remix ۴. 04 - Introduction to Truffle Suite ۵. 05 - Solidity Background and Context ۶. 06 - Solidity Data Types and variables ۷. 07 - Solidity Functions ۸. 08 - Solidity Storage and Memory ۹. 09 - Solidity Contract Structure ۱۰. 10 - Solidity Contract ABI ۱۱. 11 - Solidity Event and Logs ۱۲. 12 - Solidity Factory Contracts ۱۳. 13 - Solidity By Example ۱۴. 14 - Python in Ethereum: Background and Context ۱۵. 15 - Vyper Overview ۱۶. 16 - Design Patterns: Introductory Smart Contracts ۱۷. 17 - Inter-Contract Execution ۱۸. 18 - Inheritance and Interfaces ۱۹. 19 - Off-Chain Oracles ۲۰. 20 - Access Control Design Patterns ۲۱. 21 - General Finance and Access Control: Multi-sig Tutorial ۲۲. 22 - Upgradable Contracts ۲۳. 23 - Optimizing Gas ۲۴. 24 - Smart Contract System Design ۲۵. 25 - Tutorial: Proof of Existence ۲۶. 26 - Smart Contract Best Practices ۲۷. 27 - Solidity Pitfalls and Attacks ۲۸. 28 - Smart Contract Safety Checklist ۲۹. 29 - tx.origin Attack Demo ۳۰. 30 - DoS Attack Contract ۳۱. 31 - Reentrancy Example ۳۲. 32 - Integer Over / Underflow Example ۳۳. 33 - Security: Introduction to Diligence Chapter 2 - Ethereum Basics ۱. 01 - Ethereum Background and History ۲. 02 - Identity on Ethereum: Externally Owned Accounts (EOAs) and Smart Contracts ۳. 03 - Generating Ethereum Addresses ۴. 04 - Ethereum Nodes ۵. 05 - Transactions ۶. 06 - Gas and Fees ۷. 07 - Ethereum Structure ۸. 08 - Ethereum Networks ۹. 09 - Sending Transactions ۱۰. 10 - Merkle Trees ۱۱. 11 - eip-1559 ۱۲. 12 - What is an Ethereum Client? Running Go-Ethereum (Geth) Chapter 1 - Fundamentals ۱. 00 - A Paper Blockchain ۲. 01 - Introduction ۳. 02 - Decentralizing Identity: Public Key Cryptography ۴. 03 - Public Key Cryptography ۵. 04 - Decentralizing File integrity: Hash Functions ۶. 05 - Decentralizing Intent: Digital Signatures ۷. 06 - Cryptography Fundamentals Playground ۸. 07 - Historical Background: When Asymmetric Cryptography Was almost made Illegal ۹. 08 - Decentralizing Coordination: Consensus ۱۰. 09 - Trustless Consensus ۱۱. 10 - What is a Block? ۱۲. 11 - A Chain of Blocks ۱۳. 12 - Proof of Work in Ethereum ۱۴. 13 - What is a Blockchain Fork? ۱۵. 14 - Other Blockchain Consensus Mechanisms ۱۶. 15 - Consensus Conclusion ۱۷. 16 - Mental Model of Basic Blockchain Architecture ۱۸. 17 - Configurations for Different Blockchain Networks ۱۹. 18 - Public and Private Blockchains ۲۰. 19 - When to Use a Blockchain? ۲۱. 20 - History and Development of Bitcoin ۲۲. 21 - What is a Crypto Wallet? ۲۳. 22 - Introduction to MetaMask + Webinars ۲۴. 23 - How to Stay Safe Using Cryptocurrencies Chapter 7 - Layer 2 (L2) or Scalability Solutions ۱. 01 - Overview of L2 Solutions ۲. 02 - Types of L2 Solutions ۳. 03 - Rubric for Evaluating L2 Solutions ۴. 04 - L2 Examples: Optimism ۵. 05 - L2 Examples: Arbitrum ۶. 06 - Crosschain and Interoperability Chapter 6 - Additional Topics ۱. 01 - Introduction to IPFS ۲. 02 - Filecoin ۳. 03 - Ethereum Name Service ۴. 04 - The Graph ۵. 05 - Zero-Knowledge Proofs Chapter 4 - Developer Tooling ۱. 01 - Features of Decentralized Application Development ۲. 02 - Traditional vs Decentralized Development ۳. 03 - Agnostic Developer Workflow ۴. 04- Live Session: Introduction to Javascript for Dapp Development ۵. 05 - Web 3 Javascript Libraries (Web3.js and ethers.js) ۶. 06 - Connecting to a Smart Contract Using Web3.js ۷. 07 - Connecting to a Smart Contract Using Web3.js ۸. 08 - TDD and Truffle Tests ۹. 09 - [LIVE SESSION] Intro to Building Tests For Your Final Project’s Smart Contract ۱۰. 10 - Truffle Debugger, Configuration, Mainnet Forking ۱۱. 11 - Other Development Tools: Hardhat, Scaffold-Eth, Brownie ۱۲. 12 - [PRESENTATION] Austin Griffth Walks Through Scaffold-Eth ۱۳. 13 - [PRESENTATION] Brownie Development Environment Deep-Dive ۱۴. 14 - Building a Frontend Interface with React and Truffle ۱۵. 15 - [PRESENTATION] Introduction to web3-react ۱۶. 16 - State Management in a Dapp with web3-react ۱۷. 17 - [PRESENTATION] Compound Finance and Compound.js ۱۸. 18 - Prompt: Build the Frontend For Your Final Project Introduction معرفی و مقدمات بلاکچین Chapter 5 - Second-Order Effects (DeFi and DAOS) ۱. 01 - Introduction to “Second-Order Effects” ۲. 02 - What is DeFi? ۳. 03 - Key Terms ۴. 04 - What are Stablecoins? ۵. 05 - NFTs: More than Solidity Code ۶. 06 - What are Wrapped Tokens? ۷. 07 - What are DEXes? ۸. 08 - What are AMMs? ۹. 09 - What are RFQs? ۱۰. 10 - Oracles Revisited ۱۱. 11 - What are DeFi Lending Markets? ۱۲. 12 - What are Governance Tokens? ۱۳. 13 - Introduction to MetaMask Swaps ۱۴. 14 - What are DAOs? ۱۵. 15 - Build a DAO ۱۶. 16 - Manage a DAO
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