در رابطه با دسته‌بندی Chapter 4 - Developer Tooling

فصل چهارم - ابزار توسعه و برنامه‌نویسی


۱. 01 - Features of Decentralized Application Development
۲. 02 - Traditional vs Decentralized Development
۳. 03 - Agnostic Developer Workflow
۴. 04- Live Session: Introduction to Javascript for Dapp Development
۵. 05 - Web 3 Javascript Libraries (Web3.js and ethers.js)
۶. 06 - Connecting to a Smart Contract Using Web3.js
۷. 07 - Connecting to a Smart Contract Using Web3.js
۸. 08 - TDD and Truffle Tests
۹. 09 - [LIVE SESSION] Intro to Building Tests For Your Final Project’s Smart Contract
۱۰. 10 - Truffle Debugger, Configuration, Mainnet Forking
۱۱. 11 - Other Development Tools: Hardhat, Scaffold-Eth, Brownie
۱۲. 12 - [PRESENTATION] Austin Griffth Walks Through Scaffold-Eth
۱۳. 13 - [PRESENTATION] Brownie Development Environment Deep-Dive
۱۴. 14 - Building a Frontend Interface with React and Truffle
۱۵. 15 - [PRESENTATION] Introduction to web3-react
۱۶. 16 - State Management in a Dapp with web3-react
۱۷. 17 - [PRESENTATION] Compound Finance and Compound.js
۱۸. 18 - Prompt: Build the Frontend For Your Final Project