فصل سوم - قرارداد هوشمند
۱. 01 - Where do Smart Contracts Fit in our Mental Model?
۲. 02 - Smart Contracts and EVM
۳. 03 - Introduction to Remix
۴. 04 - Introduction to Truffle Suite
۵. 05 - Solidity Background and Context
۶. 06 - Solidity Data Types and variables
۷. 07 - Solidity Functions
۸. 08 - Solidity Storage and Memory
۹. 09 - Solidity Contract Structure
۱۰. 10 - Solidity Contract ABI
۱۱. 11 - Solidity Event and Logs
۱۲. 12 - Solidity Factory Contracts
۱۳. 13 - Solidity By Example
۱۴. 14 - Python in Ethereum: Background and Context
۱۵. 15 - Vyper Overview
۱۶. 16 - Design Patterns: Introductory Smart Contracts
۱۷. 17 - Inter-Contract Execution
۱۸. 18 - Inheritance and Interfaces
۱۹. 19 - Off-Chain Oracles
۲۰. 20 - Access Control Design Patterns
۲۱. 21 - General Finance and Access Control: Multi-sig Tutorial
۲۲. 22 - Upgradable Contracts
۲۳. 23 - Optimizing Gas
۲۴. 24 - Smart Contract System Design
۲۵. 25 - Tutorial: Proof of Existence
۲۶. 26 - Smart Contract Best Practices
۲۷. 27 - Solidity Pitfalls and Attacks
۲۸. 28 - Smart Contract Safety Checklist
۲۹. 29 - tx.origin Attack Demo
۳۰. 30 - DoS Attack Contract
۳۱. 31 - Reentrancy Example
۳۲. 32 - Integer Over / Underflow Example
۳۳. 33 - Security: Introduction to Diligence